• (413) 269-8160

JM Spartan Training LLC
Active Shooter Workplace Violence Response Options

Preparing the Organization
Empowering its People

Organizations may be similar in the services they provide or products they manufacture/sell. However, these same organizations are incredibly unique in their physical location, internal/external threats, policy and procedure and the employees themselves. This is why we don’t maintain a standardized “one size fits all” training platform. We spend time with each of our clients in order to determine the best course of action and create a training/consulting curriculum that makes sense. We find that in most cases, our clients choose a blend of both organizational preparedness and individual empowerment curriculum. Active Shooter Training deals with the immediate response to an active and imminent threat within your business. Our training platform consists of several options.

Workplace Violence Scene

Physical Site Assessments “Target Hardening”

Active Shooter Virtual Reality Training

After Action Reviews and workplace violence incident debriefs

Individual Planning - If you’re failing to plan, you’re planning to fail.

Threat Assessment Team Development

De-Escalation - The Art of Communication

Red Flags/Behavioral Indicators - Precursors to potential violence

Standard Response Planning - Evacuate, Lockdown, Lockout
